I read an article online written by Matt Waldman in which he was trying to explain why Odell Beckham Jr. was playing so well this year.  It was a great piece so I figured I’d finally use my Degree in Psychology as well as my years as a Pro Athlete to give my take on this.

Waldman compared it to a musician that is letting music flow out of him and he is spot on. Tim Galloway wrote a book that was called Inner Tennis in which he kept saying “Just let it happen”.  This is why OBJ had such a good rookie season.  Any athlete, musician or artist will tell you about being in “the zone”.  It’s a place when everything slows down and you don’t think and just let your music flow out from your instrument (In Beckham’s case his hands and feet).  You need to play with reckless abandon and not care about the results.

OBJ would just “flip the switch” and let his light shine and play with no inhibition as was stated in the article.  There was a movie once staring Richard Gere as one of the Knights of the Round Table.  Before he was a knight he was just a sword fighter for exhibition.  One day a kid said to him “please teach me”.  He said “O.K. but you must follow 3 rules “.  The first 2 rules were very technical and the child said I can do that.  Then he said “and lastly you must not care whether or not you live or die”, and the kid looked at him in stunned silence.  This is how you get into the zone.  You play with reckless abandon, you take chances without fear of the consequences, and time seems to slow down, and you just let the music flow from your body.  This is how OBJ played in his rookie season.  He would jump in the air and make one handed catches and not fear about breaking his neck, he would routinely make corners leave their jocks straps on the 50 yard line as he blew past them, he was playing as we all did as a child in our backyard when there was no fear, only the joy of playing a particular sport.

This is how you get in the zone, clear your brain and play on your instincts alone and I promise you will get results.  Which leads us to your bets at America’s Bookie.  Have you ever placed a bet and then got queasy in your stomach immediately afterward?  More often than not this bet was a loser.  However if you placed a bet and felt from your gut that it was gonna win, then it probably did.  Take my advice and use your intuition and not your brain when betting and you will make money in your chosen artistic field of Sports Gambling.