An anticipated hot start came to fruition as the Warriors came out cold with Lebron making the most of it for a ten point lead.  Back and forth the game went with overtime the results as the buzzer sounded.  Extra time bought a hush in Cleveland as Kyrie went down.  Find out the latest timetable for the determination of his injury.  Dont get boxed in without this information and instead learn what handy device turns your booze into frozen cubes in the following edition of America’s Bookie’s The Brink.

The Next Level

Most of us have done or seen at a neighbors, that bottle of vodka tucked away in the freezer.  That added chill oddly infuses more life into our drinks.  Well the people who get creative in life decided to turn their brains to alcohol.  Now there is a handy machine that transforms them into frozen cubes.  Aptly name Beyond Zero can do this to beer, wine, and hard liquor.  The appeal beyond the novelty is that when they melt, the drink will get stronger instead of weakening.  Only one weakness so far is that you can not put the cubes inside your mouth the instant they freeze.  Other than that your imbibing had been brought to a new level.

Left Knee Woes

Gifted players ask their bodies to perform what their mind envision.  However at this heightened level, breakdowns do occur.  Kryie Irving had such a moment in the overtime portion of the Game One loss to the Warriors.  Shock waves gone through the locker room even those this is the third time this happened.  Irving said it felt different although the initial diagnosis is no tear.  Now with the sun rising on this Friday morning, the MRI and other test will tell the tale.  How will this affect the rest of the series?

Game two is where we are at with this.  The -7 is even more in play on the Warriors for the following reason.  Klay worked through his difficulties while Kryie will still be hesitant when game time rolls around.  Even more bogged down, LeBron can not score sixty on his own.  Early recommendation is a half a unit on the Warriors for Game Two.  Good fortune and we will see you tomorrow here at the Brink