For the rest of the NFL season, every reader of Americas Bookie’s The Brink should remember Jamaal Charles.  Was the entire loss his fault?  No it was not but the exclamation point on a choke worse than the Lions against the Chargers from Week One was.  Today’s edition will peer back at Thursday Night Football to embrace a lesson we should all learn.  Keep your wits about you when events transpire and even conspire against you in the world of sports investment.

Was Right and Yet?!

This overused cry can be heard from battered and broken bankrolls all over America.  Sadly there is no such thing as a moral victory.  The money poured in on the Chiefs and right out of sport portfolio’s into the hands of the books.  KC jumped out to a fourteen point lead and the popping of beer cans all across the country could be heard.  “We have this!” and other toasts were offered as cans clinked.  Low and behold there was more of the story to unfold.


KC had more turnovers had caused Denver to drive in the last minute to tie the game.  That they did as Peyton again zeroed in on two main options.  Heck football fans everywhere sorta of gripped when the not so automatic extra point was attempted.  Overtime was on its way and yet the acceptance of the fact escaped Jamaal Charles.  Pinned back under his thirty yard line with less than thirty seconds and one time out, the Chiefs handed off to him.  Now this course of action screams that the team just wants to make it to overtime.  No so fast as Jamaal wanted to “Make a play!” and don his red superhero cape.  Fumble, return, and touchdown.  Game, set, and match because of panic and the refusal to accept the situation as is.

Too many times handicappers refuse to work from a hole, even, or slightly ahead.  Expectation whispers in your ear that you are better than this.  Even those that might be ahead hear the voices saying that you should be x amount further.  Instead of accepting the situation, people make a play and start cutting corners.  Think of Jamaal Charles when the software asks you for password confirmation on that lean.  Occasionally you will make out but more often that late fumble will break you like it did the Chiefs last night.  Good fortune, ponder on it, and we will speak to you tomorrow here at The Brink.