We haven’t done a piece like this since the summer time and since there were both the Republican Presidential debate earlier this week ,and the Democratic debate tonight ,we decided to talk little bit about how to make some money betting on who will win the presidency next year. We hope we don’t come off as too partisoned,because truth be told we are certainly rooting for the Republicans to we next November over the Democrats but we will try to be as objective as possible. First of all obviously the candidates have to win their party’s nomination .You can bet on who will win their party at America’s Bookie as well.
First up we have the Democrats. I watched to first Democratic debate and it really was unwatchable. There is another one tonight. There were 5 people on stage and now 2 have dropped out. The whole debate looked like a SNL skit in which one candidate promised to give away move “free shit” then the next .This is all a side show however as Hillary Clinton will win the nomination in a landslide. The only 2 other candies Sanders and O’Malley don’t stand a prayer. You can bet Hilary at AB at -5000 so I wouldnt be wasting my time there.
Now to the circus that is the Republican primary. This is totally different as we have too many candidates to fit on one stage and they break the debates into 2 separate debates. We still don’t understand why they had 4 guys in the first debate and 9 in the second. Wouldn’t it make more sense to go 7-6? The guys in the “JV” debate actually got more airtime and 2 of them Huckabee and Santorum did really well. In the main debate they of course put Donald Trump front and center. He and the other guys like Carson and Friona have knocked the establishment, and their handpicked candidates like Bush and Walker (since deceased) on the asses. It is amazing but very refreshing that the only guys who have real chance right now Trump +225, Cruz+250, Rubio+175 are not part the Washington insiders, although Rubio has sold his soul in recent months. The other guys are long odds as of now and Ben Carson at 45-1 might be worth a flyer .He has dropped down recently but with a surge would give you great value. After seeing the debate and seeing Cruz and Rubio bang heads it really looks now like Trump or Cruz will be the eventual nominee.
So that leaves us in the general election and Hillary is-175, The Don is +450 and Ted is +250.It strange to see Donald favored to win the Party but have less of a chance in the general election, maybe that is because the stuff he preaches satisfies the people on the right more and won’t fly in the general election. We feel differently however. Donald is a winner (no offense to Charlie Sheen) and gets things done and if he debates Hillary he will slaughter her. His main competition as we said will come in the Republican primaries against Cruz and Rubio. If you play the odds this is who you want to bet on. In the 80’s after 4 years of the Carter debacle the general pupation which always wants change leaned toward Reagan. Michael J Fox on “Family Ties” was a Republican and it became fashionable again to think this way. This will happen next year. Just as the Republicans didn’t stand a chance vs. Obama after Bush, now the country will swing wildly to the right again. It was shown in the last 2 midterm elections as the Democrats lost the House and Senate. Therefore our bet to win the Presidency in 2016 is Donald J Trump +450 ,and we will put some money on Ted Cruz as well so at least will make a few bucks if Cruz is the eventually nominee. Enjoy the Snooze fest tonight which will be the Democratic debate. I hear there is going to unicorns, elves, sugarplum fairies and other “pie in the sky “stuff on stage as well as the Democrats all get in the Holiday Spirit and spread Christmas cheer with more promises of “More free stuff” for everyone”. Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas from everyone at Ask the Bookie.