With football season underway, if you’re going to be a real bookie, you need to customize your football betting board. The competitive nature of the sports betting industry is at an all-time high. The big commercial sportsbooks are pulling out all the stops to attract sports bettors to their online betting platforms.

This is forcing private bookies to raise their game as well.

As a private bookie, the biggest edge you have over the commercial books is the higher level of customer service you can provide and they can never match. We’re here to help you improve your bookie business; it is very easy!

However, you still need to be competitive with everything else these commercial books have to offer. That starts with your actual betting board. A quality pay per head bookie services site can help you level the playing field against the commercial books when it comes to betting options on football as well as other betting sports.

Customize Your Football Betting Board with Pay Per Head

Most of the top-rated pay per head services employ in-house sports betting experts to build a collection of betting lines and odds across a wide spectrum of sports and sporting events. This is especially true during football season for college and NFL games.

These in-house experts work closely with the best external line setting services in the sports betting industry. The end result is fast and easy access to sharp betting lines and odds.

At the very least, you should be meeting the football betting needs of your entire customer base. As a way to build both handle and hold, you should actually be exceeding those expectations with additional betting options.


By bringing in a higher weekly handle for football accompanied by a healthy hold, you can increase your bottom line profit without having to necessarily increase your active betting base.

Most pay per head sites charge one, low weekly fee for each active bettor regardless of how much they wager in a given week.

Build Your Betting Board with Price Per Head

While you always want to encourage your active cliental to bet within their financial means, increasing individual betting handles even 5% or 10% can add up to quite a bit of added profit over the course of the entire football season.

A quality PPH service can help you expand your betting board as wide as you care to go. This will keep the playing field level against the competition. Why risk losing even one bet on some option that was not available through your bookie service?

Options to Customize Your Football Betting Board

Working with the right pay per head site, you can also customize your betting board to create a major point of difference against that same competition.

Your pay per head business support team can help you come up with set ‘reduced juice’ betting options on select football games.

Parlay boosters with a slightly highly payout can be a great way to increase the overall football betting handle with a higher hold on those type of bets. If you aren’t sure what this involves, the right PPH service will be your best friend. Know that switching to RDG Corp has never been easier.

Through your PPH online betting site, there are ways to market any customized betting options you may be offering for this week’s games. As a private bookie, it is very important to keep your active betting base engaged. Customized betting options is a proven technique to raise that level of engagement.

Be sure to perform your own due diligence when it comes to finding a quality PPH service. Finding the right one is the best way to make the most out of your ongoing efforts.