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If a player (besides the center) is in the neutral zone and contact occurs prior to the snap; a foul punishable by a 5-yard penalty.

Basic Types of Sports Bets

So, you’ve signed up with your sportsbook and you’re ready to bet football, basketball, baseball, etc.  Here is a guide and introduction to the basic types of sports bets available.  For the latest sports betting odds for the best online sports betting sites check out Straight bets – Straight bets are as simple as … Read more

Eligible Receiver

A player allowed by the rules to catch a forward pass; all offensive players are eligible except linemen and the quarterback, who must notify the referee if they wish to become eligible and stand at least one yard behind the line of scrimmage before the snap.

Drop Kick

A type of free kick where a player drops the ball and kicks it right after it hits the ground; rarely used today.

Sportsbook Review – This past week in the Sportsbook Industry #14

Here’s what happened in the sportsbook industry last week: – Thirty-nine VIP Sportsbook players who did not request payment of their account balances before August 1st are owed $45,995 but now will pay them. is a new sportsbook that surfaced when VIP Sportsbook, BetGameday and closed on August 1st. Back then the … Read more

Drop Back

When a quarterback, after taking the snap, takes a few steps backward into an area called the pocket to get ready to pass.


The series of plays a team puts together in an attempt to score.

Down The Field

In the direction of the opponent’s goal line.


One of 4 chances a team on offense has to gain 10 yards; also, the state of a player who has just been tackled; also, a ball that a player touches to the ground in the end zone to get a touchback.

Double Coverage

When 2 defensive players cover one receiver.


In the NFL, sub-groups within conferences, such as the Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western Divisions; also, a grouping of teams in college football, where Division I contains the most competitive teams and Division III the least.

Dead Ball

A ball becomes dead when a play is over and becomes live as soon as it is snapped for the next play.