One of the more amusing happenings in a person’s social life is if you have a hipster in your social circle.  Most of us do have one or at least know of one.  The type of person that has to be several bends ahead of the road.  Sure, once in a while they will hit the next big thing on the head but most times their prognostication falls flat on their face.  Remember when that swill, Pabst Blue Ribbon, started experiencing rapid growth in sales.  That was them and thankfully that trend is on the wane.  Americas Bookie’s The Brink has the next big announcement from the hipster population both in booze and football wagering.  Read on as we illuminate you on what they think the next big thing is.

“We Thank You for Your Support”

A tired ad campaign in the 80’s attempt to hawk several odd flavors of wine colors upon our ladies that imbibe.  Imagine an unholy union between a dry white wine and an overly sugary soda.  This is what was known as a Bartles and Jaymes wine cooler.  They were taking the decade by storm thanks to the ads and a lack of unique flavors in an alcoholic market.  Now we do not have that problem but back them, this was jumped upon until the tax man came along.  Congress took a good thing and decided to crank up the tax on wine by 4x.  This killed the beverage.  Now with people willing to shell out big money for taste, epicureans and hipsters are proclaiming a comeback on the wine cooler.  The price of being cool is a diabetes laden hangover in the morning.

NFL Hipster Prognostication

Between bites of granola, my hipster friend was expounding his knowledge of the NFL with me.  He is quite knowledgeable even though he is consumed on finding the next big thing.  Running backs are coming back into vogue he iterates.  The pass happy league has reached its zenith with Chip Kelly of the Eagles.  He proclaims that it does not work as the savvy are noticing his team wearing down too much by the end of the year.  That late season push is key to success in the playoffs and he has the solution.  A tandem of running backs to absorb punishment, gain yards, and catch passes will ease the burden on an entire franchise.  Buffalo and Kansas City ping hard on his radar.  He even provided us with a free pick for the first game of the season.

Pittsburgh finally has two toys in the running back spot that gives Ben the cushion he needs.  He urged me to take a nibble on the Steelers.  Unknown to him, we came to the same conclusion and did the very thing.  So be on the look out for potent rushing attacks this season as the key for success.  Will our hipster views be paid off or will we have to settle for wine coolers for the season?  We will examine more of this tomorrow here at the Brink.