Glad to see that not only do the staffers at the Brink need a break from reality.  A pseudo informational show called Highly Questionable tries to be relevant and tongue in cheek at the same time.  Even with that in mind, they had Herschel Walker in to promote a fight between Ken Shamrock and Kimbo Slice.  How this piece got all the way to Walker playing Russian Roulette more than once is even beyond the power of my imagination.  Sorry for the length of the clip but play it while you sip on your coffee and let it soak on in.

Facebooking Him

Ok remember that Walker tried to do MMA so the angle of who he would be afraid of is a decent launching point.  He indicates that he tries “Facebooking” a person from his eighth grade that beat him up.  Later on, Herschel confesses that his family is mostly a little nuts in the head.  By him being an incredible athlete, he used that as a coping issue for many issues stemming from DID.  Herschel had to check him into a facility to help control his anger.  In the end it helped him run his “businesses”.  Never under estimate a University of Georgia education.

We Like Him

Please do not take from our tone that we disapprove of him.  Sports need more people like this than those that go Beast Mode on the mic and say little about anything but skittles.  Walker had such intense bouts of anger that he would feel like it was going to boil over into fatal actions.  One time only a bumper sticker stopped him.  No one can not make up this stuff.

Vince Young or Ricky Williams has nothing on him.  Walker corrected the interviewers by saying that no it was not at his lowest when he has played Russian Roulette.  He had confidence that he could overcome anything even random chance when he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.  Wow what an interview.  A breath of a different type of air that Herschel Walker breathes from the rest of us.  Check in with us tomorrow at The Brink for money making investment opportunities and free picks for 6/20.