Woke up on this Saturday and knew it had finally arrived.  A sport’s handicappers version of Christmas.  We had the appetizers on Thursday and Friday night but now the bands are being struck up at schools all over this country.  College football for the masses has arrived.  Star power en masse has come out to help us celebrate this holiday weekend.  For my part, not only will the games get it going but I am going to break out some stock that has a star power of it’s own.  So join The Brink in celebrating this Saturday.

Joe Montana?!

All time great quarterback but how does his name get uttered on this of all days.  Well because in my liquor cabinet resides one bottle of Aviation Gin.  Some thoughtful soul gave me this because Joe Montana invested in it with some of his NFL riches.  I thought with the Texas and Notre Dame game being on prime time that this would be the perfect night cap to usher in the evening portion of football.  So in honor of Joe and my Fighting Irish Wager tonight, raise a glass and let us drink Joe’s favorite beverage.

1 oz Aviation Gin

1 oz Sweet Vermouth

1 oz Campari

2 dashes of orange bitter

Mormon Power

Repeat after me, “The games I should not be wagering on are the most compelling.”  In all seriousness, do we wish to tackle a home Alabama spotting double digits to Wisconsin.  A tough nutcracker of a spread to cap your way out of.  Instead, look for a spread that could very well go completely in the opposite direction.  That would be the BYU @ Nebraska game.  America’s Bookie has a very juicy line that has been bet down to the +6 for the visiting Cougars.  Why not swing hard and storm right out of the gate?  BYU ML for the power packed punch because in so many scenarios does BYU just not cover but win outright.  Youtube some Taysom Hill and you will see the potential in this play.

So there is our Star Power Saturday in force.  A drink from a legendary quarterback. A free pick involving one of the more under rated college QB’s in the game.  Good fortune today and get in those wagers right now at America’s Bookie.