A wide range of opinions exist as to the best state of mind to pontificate about sports is.  Some subscribe to the bowling league mentality which says that I do not do my best work until I am in that second pitcher of beer.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, more technical people tend to embrace a sharper state of mind.  Today, we look at caffeine and the best times to consume it based on what you are drinking.

Cortisol and Caffeine Go Hand in Hand

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the body which is control in part by your natural sleep cycle.  The level of this in you directly correlates to your level of alertness.  With this in mind, one of the laws of pharmacology is to use a drug when it is needed.  So at 8am to 9am, the bodies natural response is to get ready for the ready.  Thus it ramps up cortisol production which in turn makes you the most alert during the day.  In short, consuming coffee during this time is not really needed as the body produces what it needs for this time span.


If this was the only peak of your cortisol levels then at any other time you would consume caffeine would be fine for mental clarity.  However, two other spikes in the cycle occur.  Those times are noon to 1pm and 5:30pm to 6:30 pm.  So in a day of heavy handicapping, that coca cola, red bull, or coffee would be optimal at 9:30 am, 1:30 PM, and yes even at 7PM if you want to watch the late night games.  By using this instant source of pep during these times, you increase your overall energy and achieve a better balance with want your body is programmed to do.

Congratulations go out to the Chicago Blackhawks.  They won a game seven in enemy territory to play in the Stanley Cup Finals.  Tampa Bay awaits them.  Check back with the Brink this week as we will have our preview plus ways to load up on America’s Bookie.  Qualify for a Free Play and pocket the winnings if your hunches prove to be correct.  Good fortune today with all of our wagers.