Did you know that the majority of casino security is designed to catch the rat employee trying to rip off the House, and sometimes in cahoots with players. Now the player I can understand, because of the basic “us against them” mentality they sometimes have with us, but the employee stealing from the very hand that feeds him, from his employer who puts food on his table for his kids, now that’s really dirty. If you go to Vegas you’ll see a museum there, exhibiting all the filthy devices both players and employees use to outright steal from the casino. It’s really amazing shit, all the clever high-tech devises these people come up with. Even in our business, the Offshore Industry, we sometimes make employees take lie detector tests to receive their paychecks. I’ve had to do it and I even passed a few times when I thought I wouldn’t, which taught me something about who I am, but that’s another story for another time.

Nevertheless, not all scams are directed specifically at beating the house. I remember one in particular, a very freaky situation that occurred in our book. One day during a meeting one of the bosses came in to tell the other boss about a problem they found in the customer service department while they were reviewing phone recordings during an investigation based on a customer claim. As they were listening to the tapes, they heard some suspicious conversations between a few of the customer service girls and some players.

We were all very curious as to what it was because we could see through the window of a private office, the bosses discussing the issue in a concerned manner, but also laughing too and looking at the customer service girls in question with curious grins on their faces.

And although rumors went around the office as to what the issue might have been, everyone turned out to be way off because the next day when we came to work, three of the customer service girls were gone, fired, but one, “MONICA” was promoted to the sales department, sitting there right next to us with a big smile on her face. We were all told to listen to Monica’s conversation with the customers on the tape. And although we didn’t get to hear any of the juicy stuff, apparently though, Monica and the other girls were running a phone sex operation with the players, right out of the customer service department; the players were sending them Western Union money for sex talk! And while the other three girls who got fired, were just taking whatever the guys would send them, Monica on the other hand, wasn’t settling for chump-change. Rather, she was upselling the guys into sending her larger amounts! She would say to the guys: “Sorry baby… you send me $250 or NO sex for you!” And even went as far as to put-on hooker style accent on top of it, even though she was from San Diego, California and had no accent at all (other than her Chula Vista “Vato” accent, saying “Hey Man” to everyone at work as her normal way of saying hello). Keep in mind, what she was offering the client is a little hard to compete with, but still we were made to listen to the tapes as an example of how to upsell the customer into sending more money than they were planning. Most importantly for our bosses, and why she got promoted, was because Monica was doing something that none of us were doing at the time, and that was: to hold back something from the customer, then use it as leverage for the upsell. It taught us all a very valuable lesson in salesmanship!

This is just one of an innumerous number of examples of the daily drama and lunacy of this industry, and the inter-twisted relationships between the bosses, the employees and the players. Think about it – In what other business would someone giving phone sex to company clients (using company phone lines), actually get promoted?!

If you are looking for a sportsbook with good customer service without phone sex, visit americasbookie.com